Money makes life easy,view it in the other hand money makes life miserable. Money is good to people who know how to control it but bad to those who it controls. Money is a vehicle that drives one to either miserable life or comfortable life. You are the driver. Drive your money well. Employ a good conductor to control the passengers(your desire) well. It will be an error for the vehicle (money) to be in control instead of the driver(you). Do not make your vehicle a god over you rather put it under you,make it your messenger not your boss. Money is good,yes but bad when use in the wrong way. To make proper use of money requires the understanding of the rules guiding the use of money. I wish all the rich people will understand that it is a privilege given to them by God not a birthright and use in a good manner not to abuse it. How can you buy a friend of yours one Crete of alcohol drink but can't help him out with his problem. What is the use of that alcohol to his p...